jueves, 9 de mayo de 2024



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Spam: Correu brossa 

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Subject: Tema

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Unknown sender: Remitent desconegut 

Username: Nom d'usuari


Advanced search: Cerca avançada 

Browser: Navegador

Cache: Memoria CAU

Combine: Combina

Custom: Personalitza 

History: Historial 

Hit: Polsar

Hyperlink: Hiperenllaç

Keyword: Paraula clau

Narrow your search: Restringeix la teva cerca

Ranking: Classificacio 

Research: Cerca

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Back arrow: Retrocés Fletxa enrrere

Blacklist: Llista negra

Bookmark: Marcador

Discussion group: Grup de discussio 

Domain name: Nom de domini

E-mail bounces: Rebot de correu

E-mail server: Servidor de correu electronic

Filter (V): Filtrar

List-unsubscribe: Llista de subscriptors cancel·lats 

POP (Post Office Protocl): Protocol d'oficina de correu

Refine: Refinar

Search operators: Operadors de cerca

Search setting: Configuracio de cerca

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Sign in: Inicia sessio 

Worm: Cuc

jueves, 4 de abril de 2024


A: Hello! Is that Mrs Brody? This is Mark Brown, Geraldine Marsden's administrative assistant at Compusafe.

B: Hello, Mark. What can I do for you?

A: Well, unfortuately Mrs Marsden is ill, so she won't be at work for three days.

B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

A: The problem is, she won't be able to make it to the morning you arranged for tomorrow. Can we reschedule it?

B: Certainly. Let's look at the calendar.

A: What date is convenient for you?

How about Tuesday, 5th January?

B: I won't be available on that day.

I'll be busy with staff training.

A: I see, Mrs Marsden will also be free on Wednesday, 6th January. Would that suit you?

B: I've got a staff meeting in the afternoon, but I'm free in the morning.

A: Great! Will 11 o'clock in the morning be OK?

B: Yes, I'll write it in my diary.   

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024


5. Match A to B to form phrases. Then listen and repeat.

1. Tied

2. Hold

3. Give

4. Make

5. Check

6.  Take 

6. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct response.

1. Is Friday mid-afternoon convenient for you?

a) No, I'm afraid I'll be tied up all day.

2. Can you confirm the date for the meeting with the software testers?

3. Have you made a list of all the participants?

4. Are you free on Wednesday afternoon at 13.00?

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2024



Attend the meeting: Assistir a la reunió

Break: Descans

Busy: Ocupat

Check your calendar: Consulta el teu calendari

Confirm: Confirmar

Convenient: Convenient

Equipment: Equipament 

Free: Gratis/Lliure

Give a presentation: Fer una presentació

Hold a meeting: Fer una reunió

Light refreshments: Piscolabis  

Make arrangements: 

Pack: Paquet

Participants: Participants

Previous commitment: 



Take place

Tied up

Video conference: Video conferencia


Alternative date: Data alternativa



Cancel: Cancelar

Fell ill: Trobarse malament

Get lost: Perdres

Got the dates mixed up: Confondre't amb les dates

Held up in a traffic jam






Running late




Half past: Dos quarts

O'clock: En punt

Quarter past: Quart de

Quarter to: Tres quarts de

Ten past: I deu

Twenty to: Menys vint


Absent: Ausent.

Adjourn: Ajorna



Conference call:



Make it:





Wrap up:

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2024


A: Hello I’m Biel.

B: Hello Biel,  Benitocomponentes can I help you?

A: Yes, the last day I buy a Intel Pentium Processor with defects.

B: What flaws does the processor have?

A: The processor overheat with little time.

B: Have you applied the thermal paste correctly?

A: I'm going to check it now.

B: Ok 

A: If exactly it was the thermal paste fault

B: OK, wipe off the excess pasta and put it back in properly. When do we notify?

A: Perfect, i already did it

B: ok, now put the processor correctly.

A: I already put it

B: Okey,  now start the computer

A: It works perfectly now and doesn't make that much noise

B: Ok perfect, do you have any other problem?

A: No, thank you!

B: Bye!!

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2024


 4. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct answer.

1. Thank your calling. I'll be happy to assist you again in the future.

2. I don't know what to do. What do you suggest?

3. I can't remember exactly what you ordered. I'll check my records.

4. The order hasn't arrived yet. It must be lost in the post.

5 Listen and repeat the words in colour. Which pairs of sentences have got a similar meaning?

1. Similar

2. Not Similar

3. Similar

4. Similar

5. Not Similiar

6. Similar

6. Listen annd repeat the words in color. Then copy and complete the sentences.

1- Refund

2 - Compensantion

3 - Faulty part

4 - Losing bussiness

5 - Making a noise

6 - Doesn't fit

7. Read the sentences. Which are said by a customer? Which are said by a customer relations representative?

1 - Customer relations representative     

2- Customer relations representative 

3- Customer                                          

4- Customer relations representative          


6-Customer relations representative                                           



8. Read the complaint record. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.

1 - Return

2 - Under warranty

3 - Refused

4 - Refund

5 - Compesantion

6 - Make a claim.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2024



accounts departament - departament contable

costumer relations departament - departament de relacions amb clients

human resources departament -  departament de recursos humans

IT maintenance departament -  departament de manteniment informatic

sales and marketing departament -  departament de vendes i màrqueting


charge - cobrar

complaint - queixa

customer number - número de client

damaged - espallat

discuss it - discutir-ho

enquiry - petició

get back to you - torna a tu

hold the line - mantenir-se en linea

opening times - horari d'obertura

overcharge - cobra de més

quote - cita 

satisfied - satisfet

shipping date - data d'enviament


assist - assistir

at our expense - a costa nostra

check my records - comproveu els meus registres

compensation - compensació

credited our account - acreditar el nostre compte

defect - defecte

doesn't fit - no encaixa

error - error

faulty part - part defectuosa

losing business - perdre negocis

lost in the post -

make a claim -

making a noise -

missing a part -

refund (n) -

refuse -

return -

suggest -

the wrong item -

under warranty -


broken - trencat

customer satisfaction - la satisfacció del client

disappointed - decebut

displeased - disgustat

dissatisfaction - insatisfacció

feedback - comentaris

file a lawsuit - presentar una demanda

financial director - 

inappropriate -

lose business -

managing director -

research and development departament -

treatment -

viernes, 9 de febrero de 2024


 A: Can I speak to Chloe Burns in tech support, please?

B: Just a moment, I'll put you on hold... I'm sorry. I'm afraid that Chloe is unavaible at the moment. She's in a meeting with a client. Can I transfer you to Bill Jones from the same departament?

A: No, I'd rather speak to Chloe directly.

B: Ok, I understand.

A: Could you ask her to return my call, please? 

We've got a problem with our accounting program.

We need a solution urgently.

B: Let me write down your name and contact details.

A: It's Steve McGough.

B: Can you spell your last name, please?

A: Yes, of course. It's M-C-G-O-U-G-H. And my phone number is 061 209 922. 

B: Ok, Let me check that. It's 061 209 992?

A: No, it's 922 at the end. 061 209 922.

B: 061 209 922. OK. And the message is to a call you urgently about a software problem.

A: That's right.

B: I expect her to be free at around 1.00. 

viernes, 2 de febrero de 2024



As soon as possible - Tan aviat possible

Avoid - Evitar

Be careful - Amb cuidado

Caller - La persona que truca

Contact - Contacte 

Dial a number - Marcar un numero

Engaged - Linia ocupada

Extension number - Numero de extensió

No reply - Sense resposta

On the line - En linea

Professional - Professional

Put you through - Contacte

Remind - Recordar

Repeat - Repetir

Ring back - Tornar a trucar

Speak up - Parlar fort

State - Anomena

Wrong number - Numero incorrecte


Cut off - Tallar-se la trucada

Deal with - Tracta amb

Expect - Esperar

Hang up - Penjar

In a meeting - En una reunio

Interrupt - Interrompre

Leave a message - Deixa un missatge

Line is busy - Linea ocupada

On holiday - De vacanses

Out of the office - Fora de la Oficina

Out of town - Fora de la ciutat

Put you on hold - Posa en espera

Return your call - Torna la trucada

Spell that - Deletrejar

Take a message - Agafar el missatge

Take down - Derrivar

Transfer - Tranferir

Unavailable - No disponible

Urgent - Urgent


Bad connection - Mala conexió

Call back - Tornar a truca

Calling on behalf of - Trucada de part d'algú

Clearly - Clarament

End a conversation - Fin de la conversació

Get through - Comunicar-se

Interference - Interficie

Line is free - Linea lliure

Offer assistence - Oferir ajuda

Speak a little more slowly - Parla més poc a poc

Take a call - Agafar la truca

Voicemail - Missatge de veu

Would you mind - Te importaria

lunes, 29 de enero de 2024

 A: Good morning, Compuset helpline. Melanie speaking. How many I help you?

B: Hello, it's Dave Smith here from CopyShop. Can you tell me if you've got any of the X300 RAM chips in stock?

A: Have you got the item number, please?

B: Yes, it's 15480.

A: Just a moment, Mr Smith, I'll just check for you. Please stay on the line.

B: Sure

A: Thank you for waiting. Yes, we've got 10 of those in stock.

B: Great. I'll come in later this week.

A: Can I help you with anything else today?

B: Yes. Unfortunately, we had a problem with the latest software update you sold us.

A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr Smith. I'll put you through to a support technician.


A: Bon dia, Compuset helpline. Melanie parlant. Com et puc ajudar?

B: Hola, sóc el Dave Smith de CopyShop. Em podries dir si tens alguna Ram X300 a la venta?


E - MAILING Attachment - Adjunt Blind carbon copy (Bcc) - Carbon copy (Cc) -  E-mail client - Correu electronic del client Embed - Incrustat...