viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023



Alt key -  Tecla alta

Arrow keys -  Tecla de fletxa

Backspace key - Tecla de retrocés

Caps lock key -  Tecla majuscula

Command key - Tecla de commandes

Control key - Tecla control

Delete key - Tecla d'esborra

Escape keys - Tecla d'escape

Funcion keys - Teclats funcionals

Modifier keys - Teclats modificadors

Numeric pad - Teclat numeric

Return or enter key - tecla o trona tecla

Shift key - shift

Space bar - espai

tab key -  tabulador

Punctuation Symbols

and symbol - 

apostrophe - aprostrof

asterisk -  asterisc

at symbol - arroba

brackets - parentesis

colon - dos punts

comma - coma

exclamation mark - signe d'exclamació

full stop - punt

hypen - guio

question mark - signe de 

quotation marks - 

semicolon -

slash -

underscore -

Prepositions/ Prepositional phrase

Above -

Behind -

Below -

Beside -

Between -

In the middle of -

Next to -

On -

Over -

Under -


Barcode scanner -

Flash Drive -

Gaming Controller -

Headset -

Microphone - 

Printer -

Projector -

Remote Control -

Scanner -

Speakers -

Stylus pen -

Touch screen -

USB charger -

Webcam -


Broken -

Obsolete -

Order -

Overstocked -

Reorder -

Run low on -

Run out of -

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2023


A: Hello, this is Tim in IT.

B: Hi, Tim. This is Sara. I'm calling from the third floor. I've got a problem with my keyboard.

A: Good morning, Sara. Is it a standard keyboard or a wireless keyboard?

B: I'ts a standard one and the delete key is stuck. I've deleted a whole page of text!

A: Oh dear! So firts, make sure you've saved all your work. Ok, now unplug the keyboard from your PC. Next, turn it over and hit it gently.

B: What? Are you sure?

A: Yes - if the keys have got dirt inside them, they sometimes get stuck.

B: Ok... now what?

A: Now plug the keyboard in again. Press the enter key and see what happens.

B: Alright. Hey, it's working! Thanks.

A: Great.

B: Tim, wait a minute. Now the s key isn't working. I'm pressing the key, but the symbol doesn't appear on the monitor.

A: Alright, I'll come and take a look. We'll try cleaning some of the keys.

B: Thanks. I'm in Room 312.


A: Hola, 

B: Hi, Tim. Aquesta es la Sara. Estic trucant des de la tercera planta. Tinc un problema amb el meu portàtil.

A: Bon dia Sara. Es un teclat normal o inalambric?

B: Es un normal i la lletra d'esborra s'ha encallat. E esborrat una pagina sencera de text. 



E - MAILING Attachment - Adjunt Blind carbon copy (Bcc) - Carbon copy (Cc) -  E-mail client - Correu electronic del client Embed - Incrustat...