lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2023



Delivery Date - Data d'entrega

Give a discount -  Descompte

Goods - Bens

Invoice - Factura

Out of stock - Agotat

Payment date - Data de pagament

payments - Pagament

price - Preu

prince per unit - Preu de unitat

qualitiy - Qualitat

quantity - Quantitat

subtotal - Subtotal



Account - Conte

Cash - Efectiva

Charge it - Impostos

Cheque - Chec

Credit card - Targeta de Credit

Postage and handilling -  Enviament i manipulació

Shipping - Enviament


All-in-one - Tot dins

Built-in - Incorporat

Compact - Compacte

Complicated - Complicat

Dependable - Fiable

Ergonomic - Ergonomic

Flexible - Flexible

High-resolution - Alta resolució

Portable - Portatil

Powerful - Potent

Practical - Practic

Relaible - Fiable

Secure - Segur

Simple - Simple

Slimline - Prim

Sturdy - Robust

Superfast - Super Rapid

Top-of-the-range - Top de gamma

User-friendly - Facil d'utilitzar

Wide screen - Pantalla ampla


Accessible - Accessible

Compatible - Compatible

Convenient - Convenient

Delivery fee - Gastos d'envio

Place an order - Realitzar una comanda

Reduction - Distribució

Shortage - Escazes

Sophisticated - Sofisticat

Spare parts - Repost

Special offer - Oferta especial

Specialised - Especialitzat

Stocktaking - Inventari

Supply chain - Cadena de suministres 

Warehouse - Diposit

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E - MAILING Attachment - Adjunt Blind carbon copy (Bcc) - Carbon copy (Cc) -  E-mail client - Correu electronic del client Embed - Incrustat...