jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2023
lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2023
Delivery Date - Data d'entrega
Give a discount - Descompte
Goods - Bens
Invoice - Factura
Out of stock - Agotat
Payment date - Data de pagament
payments - Pagament
price - Preu
prince per unit - Preu de unitat
qualitiy - Qualitat
quantity - Quantitat
subtotal - Subtotal
Account - Conte
Cash - Efectiva
Charge it - Impostos
Cheque - Chec
Credit card - Targeta de Credit
Postage and handilling - Enviament i manipulació
Shipping - Enviament
All-in-one - Tot dins
Built-in - Incorporat
Compact - Compacte
Complicated - Complicat
Dependable - Fiable
Ergonomic - Ergonomic
Flexible - Flexible
High-resolution - Alta resolució
Portable - Portatil
Powerful - Potent
Practical - Practic
Relaible - Fiable
Secure - Segur
Simple - Simple
Slimline - Prim
Sturdy - Robust
Superfast - Super Rapid
Top-of-the-range - Top de gamma
User-friendly - Facil d'utilitzar
Wide screen - Pantalla ampla
Accessible - Accessible
Compatible - Compatible
Convenient - Convenient
Delivery fee - Gastos d'envio
Place an order - Realitzar una comanda
Reduction - Distribució
Shortage - Escazes
Sophisticated - Sofisticat
Spare parts - Repost
Special offer - Oferta especial
Specialised - Especialitzat
Stocktaking - Inventari
Supply chain - Cadena de suministres
Warehouse - Diposit
viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023
To: Emplayee
From: Boss
Subject: Buy some things.
Hello Mr Leonardo,
In the company we need to buy some things. The Ram Chips is enough because we have 9 but we will have you buy next month . With the Sound Cards it's the same. We need TPS hard drive because we have only 3, that's why we have to buy 10 of the new model. The CPU's is urgent buy, because we have 0 and the customers they ask a lot and Heatsink & fans is okey fer now.
E - MAILING Attachment - Adjunt Blind carbon copy (Bcc) - Carbon copy (Cc) - E-mail client - Correu electronic del client Embed - Incrustat...
To: Emplayee From: Boss Subject: Buy some things. Hello Mr Leonardo, In the company we need to buy some things. The Ram Chips is enough beca...
A: Hello I’m Biel. B: Hello Biel, Benitocomponentes can I help you? A: Yes, the last day I buy a Intel Pentium Processor with defects. B: W...