lunes, 29 de enero de 2024

 A: Good morning, Compuset helpline. Melanie speaking. How many I help you?

B: Hello, it's Dave Smith here from CopyShop. Can you tell me if you've got any of the X300 RAM chips in stock?

A: Have you got the item number, please?

B: Yes, it's 15480.

A: Just a moment, Mr Smith, I'll just check for you. Please stay on the line.

B: Sure

A: Thank you for waiting. Yes, we've got 10 of those in stock.

B: Great. I'll come in later this week.

A: Can I help you with anything else today?

B: Yes. Unfortunately, we had a problem with the latest software update you sold us.

A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr Smith. I'll put you through to a support technician.


A: Bon dia, Compuset helpline. Melanie parlant. Com et puc ajudar?

B: Hola, sóc el Dave Smith de CopyShop. Em podries dir si tens alguna Ram X300 a la venta?

jueves, 11 de enero de 2024



Control panel - Panel Control

Loose connection - Conexió perduda

Mute box - Boto de silenciar

No signal message - Sense senyal

Power button - Boto de poder

Volume control - Volum de control


Freeze - Congelat

Log off - Tanca sessió

Make sure - Asegurar-se

Press and hold - Pressiona i mantenir 

Reconnect - Reconectar

Reinstall - Reinstalar

Reopen - Tornar a obrir

Replace - Remplasar

Restart - Reiniciar 

Shut down - Apagar 


Anti-virus software - Antivirus

Back up - Copia de seguratat

Follow instructions - Seguir instrucions

Lose - Perdre

Password - Contrassenya 

Recover - Recuperar


Airport - Aeroport

Departament store - Grans magatzems

Entrance - Entrada

Exit - Sortida

Factory - Fabric

Ground floor - Planta baixa

Library - Biblioteca

Lift - Ascencor

Off-site - Fora de l'edifici

On-site - Dintre de l'edifici

Post office - Correus

Reception - Recepció

Shopping centre - Centre comercial

Sports centre - Centres esportius

Stairs - Escaleres

Train station - Estació de trens


At the end of the corridor - Al passadis

Go straight - Segueix recte

On your left/right - A la teva esquerra / dreta

Opposite - Davant de 

Turn left / right - Gira esquerra / dreta


Assist - Assistir

At the traffic lights - Al semafor

Breakdown - Desglosament

Corrupt files - Fitxers corruptes

Cross the road - Creuar el carrer

Debugging - Depuració

Diagnose - Diagnosticar

Maintenance - Manteniment

Manual - Manual

Performance - Rendiment

Problem solving - Solucionar problemes 

Recovery - Recuperació

Reset - Resetejar

Take the first left / right - Agafeu la primera a esquerra / dreta


E - MAILING Attachment - Adjunt Blind carbon copy (Bcc) - Carbon copy (Cc) -  E-mail client - Correu electronic del client Embed - Incrustat...